Saturday, 30 April 2011
Inspired by Woodland Forests
life in la la land
There are many ways to enhance a garden. Adding a picket fence is certainly one way to go. Earlier this year, I found ready assembled sections of picket fences at Lowes.
With the help of a good carpernter, and and a few buckets of white paint, my front yard was transformed into a cozy cottage garden.
Welcome to my little slice of paradise.
Round 2 Battle of the Flower Designers ? Poll I
Bright colours or dark ones, sparkling clarity or misty atmosphere, landscape, still life, portrait - I haven't met a subject, style or mood yet that can't be portrayed beautifully in pastel. (Dave Beckett)

Bright colours or dark ones, sparkling clarity or misty atmosphere, landscape, still life, portrait - I haven't met a subject, style or mood yet that can't be portrayed beautifully in pastel. (Dave Beckett), originally uploaded by Abby Lanes.
Flowers are blooming everywhere in Southern, California. All of this rain from El Nino has certainly brought forth gorgeous blooms.
The Truth behind Spring flowers
Of course, ...
Cottage Garden Curb Appeal

"Cats never strike a pose that isn't photogenic." ~ Lilian Jackson Braun, originally uploaded by Abby Lanes.
Nothing is more relaxing to me than walking my dog through my neighborhood, and studying my neighbors "cottage gardens."
My home is a small 1950's ranch house, and as my rose and front yard wildflower garden grows and flourishes, it finally occured to me that I want a picket fence, and a coastal cottage curb appeal. Luckily, my neighborhood is filled with this cottage gardening style.
As my ideas for the the landscape design become solidified, I'll post before, during and after photos of my garden updates. I'm currently studying fencing, arches, and cottage garden accessories.
Meanwhile, enjoy the stroll through my neighborhood!
Freshen up before Spring
If you are looking to treat someone to a special gift like an arrangement of beautiful flower, you might not have to as all-out on colour as you think. Sometimes, all it takes is ...
Friday, 29 April 2011
Your Christmas Window
The Perfect Irish Supper
I can?t help but smile when I see these festive place settings that are just perfect for a St. Patrick?s themed meal. Mashed potatoes, corned beef and cabbage will all be served at my [...]
Elegant Sympathy Display
2011 Lambeth Business Awards
The Perfect Irish Supper
I can?t help but smile when I see these festive place settings that are just perfect for a St. Patrick?s themed meal. Mashed potatoes, corned beef and cabbage will all be served at my [...]
Women?s Day
This is a time when you can really show the women around you that you appreciate their independence and the accomplishments they have achieved. Giving flowers on this day is a part of tradition. So if you ...
Ushering in Springtime in SF
Happy Mother?s Day!
flower, the nation’s only floral lifestyle magazine.
If you do not wish to receive the magazine, or prefer it to go to your recipient, please mention this in the ‘Order [...]
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Townend Florist in Sheffield
Local Florists
"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death." ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death." ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Originally uploaded by Abby Lanes
The dogwood tree brings back the Spring in my childhood memories. I found this tree in my parent's front yard in NC, while we were visiting family for Spring Break. I have long associated dogwoods with Easter. The four petals represent the cross, the marks on the petals, represent the nails into Christ's body. It's a wonderful reminder of the true meaning of Easter, and a gorgeous floral Spring tree.
This is a gorgeous old Southern home in my parents town. I thought the pink dogwood trees framed the home so beautifully!

Battle of the Flower Designers ? Poll III
New Year, New Flower Ranges
Flower Delivery Dates in 2011
Battle of the Flower Designers Championship
Round 2 Battle of the Flower Designers ? Poll I
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
The Moveable Feast ? April 24th, 2011
In Western Christianity, using the Gregorian calendar, Easter always falls on a Sunday between March 22 [...]
A Good Day
"Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more." Brother David Steindl-Rast.

Wildflower Garden Experiment Update
My wildflowers are in full bloom. This is a macro photo of one of the pretty blooms.
This is the box of seed, and the flower's baby photos. :-) The box was $6 and yielded an entire wildfower bed beside my driveway, and around my rose garden.
Florist Marketing
We are on Facebook!
We are on Facebook!
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
British Grown Chrysanthemum?s
Read the complete story here.
First bloom of youth: Once considered the ‘granny’ of the flower world, breeders are now creating new, sexier varieties of the chrysanthemum.
Love Note Day
Why we Love Lilies!
Another great aspect of this flower is that it is easy to care for and fairly sturdy. Making it the ideal bloom for weddings and ...
10 years of Make Someone Smile Week
It began with leftovers. A group of florists wondered why the flowers left after a florist convention were simply disposed of and not enjoyed by someone who could use a little added cheer. That question grew into what is now Make Someone Smile Week - the florist industry's leading benevolent program, celebrated each year in July by Teleflora and thousands of Teleflora member florists.
The goal of each and every Make Someone Smile Week for 10 years has been to deliver smiles, in the form of a bouquet of flowers in Teleflora's happy keepsake Be Happy Mug, to those who need it most. We have delivered to senior citizens living in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, to children's hospitals, to women's aid shelters, to recipients of Meals-on-Wheels programs, and so forth. And, to make the program even more special (since we think 10 years is a big deal), 10 regional groups of Teleflora members will be awarded a $1,000 check to be given to the charity of their choice this year.
This year, Teleflora and local Teleflora members across two countries (the US and Canada) celebrate the 10th anniversary of Make Someone Smile Week to deliver more bouquets than ever before - around 50,000 bouquets. That's a lot of flowers, a lot of florists and a lot of smiles!
In the past decade of Make Someone Smile Week celebrations more than 22,000 florists have participated in these joyful deliveries. And more than 200,000 bouquets (and smiles!) have been given to those most in need.
Rainbow rose and its knockoff
A Calendar for Growing Flowers in Coastal Southern California
Is your patio spilling over with color? It could be!
Mine is brilliant with pots of blue and yellow violas, pansies, blue ageratum, geraniums,a nd white alyssum. But they were all planted in November and December. So reach for your calendar and make a note to plant these things next year in those months. Even a huge redwood tub of yellow marguerites was planted last fall. The petunias blooming now are left over from last year. All in the sun.
Last month, and this month, is the time to be planting containers and tubs, and moss-lined hanging baskets of plants that will bloom clearn thru till next November. To plant now use for Pink: petunias, White: allysum, Blue: ageratum, potato vine, light blue or dark blue lobelia, Yellow: or Orange: dwarf french marigold, Red: fiberous begonia. These are all for sun. Vinca also.
For shade, now, use fuchsia, white allysum and impatients, but this would be light shade.
Small cyclamen can be purchased now for next winter's bloom.
PLANT - Dahlias from now till mid-June. A handful of bonemeal worked into soil below tubers at planting time is good. Take mum blooming bulbs, braid it and bend it over till completely brown. Try cherry tomatoes in a hanging basket, one basket will supply two people all summer. Put cascade mums into 12" pots now.
SPRAY - Watch roses for signs of mildew and spray it as it appears. Usually next month is bad for this. Spray ground too. Systemic granuales with fertilizer will protect from insects and fungicide to get the mildew. Systemic granules completely protect cinerarias, calendula, carnations, and any other plan you knoww that will get insect damage. Most of the garden will not need spray.
PRUNE - Camellias and azaleas after bloom, but only if needed for shaping and only after reading a book on pruning them. Important too is to remove the dead flowers from plants. Know what you are doing here. Sunseet prints a good book on pruning. Prune cape honeysuckle. Many other spring blooming shrubs need pruning after bloom.
PINCH - fuchsias till May Day.
FERTILIZE - lawns - shrubs and trees and bulbs when blooming.
Epiphyllums get top dreing of well-rotted manure. Hydrangeas get camellia food or cottonseed now. KEEP AFTER THOSE SNAILS.
WEED - Don't let it get ahead of you!
Hint: Even if you have poor reusults with petunias in the garden, do try them in container, epecially in moss lined baket where snails can't get them. Only trouble wa leaf minor and you can control that for six weeks at a time with systemic granules. These granule can be bought with or without added fertilizer.
REMEMBER: A garden is a thing of joy and a job forever! - unknown
Florence Sullivan
British Grown Chrysanthemum?s
Read the complete story here.
First bloom of youth: Once considered the ‘granny’ of the flower world, breeders are now creating new, sexier varieties of the chrysanthemum.
Monday, 25 April 2011
Ushering in Springtime in SF
Monobotanical Artistry
?The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.? ~ Jacques Benigne Bossuel
Thank you Beverly at "How Sweet the Sound" for hosting.
Welcome to my flower blog. This week I'm taking you on a garden tour. First stop; my rose garden! The more I garden, the more I realize roses are my favorite flowers.

?The heart has reasons that reason does not understand.? ~ Jacques Benigne Bossuel, originally uploaded by Abby Lanes.
Earlier this year, I added new bareroot roses, and this is the first "pink" bloom on the new bushes.
Next stop... the area women's club hosts a yearly garden tour... and this home had a beautiful waterlily coy pond that ran right underneath the driveway.
The tour had five gardens, and the perfect mix of garden styles for the tour.
The cottage garden had this mullein verbascum album. It was quite frankly, the first time I had ever seen this flower. Thank you to my gardening friend Kate for the flower id. If you get a chance, visit her blog, it's packed full of gardening knowledge and beautiful flowers.
Finally, the last stop on our garden tour today, was taken at the flower fields in Carlsbad. There were so many ranunculas there, to focus on one seemed odd, but I thought it was fitting for our tour.
I hope you enjoyed your pink garden tour. Stop back soon, and you'll get the rest of the garden tour, and I'll surprise you with giant honeysuckles climbing the walls of a Spanish Villa. Until then, have a lovely Memorial Day weekend.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
A Calendar for Growing Flowers in Coastal Southern California
My friend, and gardening mentor Florence Sullivan, passed away recently at the age of 95 1/2. I had previously asked her daughter's permission to share her gardening tips. She wrote a booklet, with the above title, so any tips I share on this blog, with this title are from "Florence Sullivan," with the kind permission of her daughter Holly.
Since it's already February, I'll do this slightly out of order and start with February.
This booklet contains flower gardening information for a specific area. This area includes Santa Barbara to the Mexican border and from the Pacific, inland to the hotter areas.
To make the best use of this information, may I suggest that you get a thin felt pen with green ink, go to your calendar and turn to the current month. Jot down chores which apply to your garden. Then continue thru the year. Green ink will suggest gardens. Thereafter when you fertilize or spray, make a note on your calendar, in green, to remind you when to do it next. Then you will be organized, and your garden will flourish.
Happy Gardening
Florence Sulivan
Mrs. Sullivan has taught Basic & Container Gardening at the South Coast Botanic Garden and lectured to Garden Clubs. She has gardened in this are for 25 years. (Copyright 1986 - Florence Sullivan)

September 1, 1913 to February 9, 2009
Google Might Actually Be Calling Your Business
Inspired by Woodland Forests
"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death." ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death." ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
Originally uploaded by Abby Lanes
The dogwood tree brings back the Spring in my childhood memories. I found this tree in my parent's front yard in NC, while we were visiting family for Spring Break. I have long associated dogwoods with Easter. The four petals represent the cross, the marks on the petals, represent the nails into Christ's body. It's a wonderful reminder of the true meaning of Easter, and a gorgeous floral Spring tree.
This is a gorgeous old Southern home in my parents town. I thought the pink dogwood trees framed the home so beautifully!

Celebrate the Little Moments
Perfect opportunity to celebrate the little things about your partner that drive you crazy — with love!
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Make Someone Smile Week in the News!
We're excited to see how well our 10th anniversary of Make Someone Smile Week is managing to reach people across the country! We'd like to share a few links to the heartwarming stories that have been collected by press nationwide this week.
From Springfield, MO, KOLR-TV followed Teleflora's Louis & Clark Unit representatives from Flowers A Plenty flower shop, along with many community volunteers who gave of their time to assist, on their goodwill delivery.
And WDTV of Clarksburg/Weston, VA talked with Teleflora florist Sheila Larew about Make Someone Smile Week and how nice it is to share smiles with the members of the Taylor county community.
NBC-25 in Mid-Michigan posted a story about Make Someone Smile Week on their website, which was so nice!
And big thanks to KMAX-TV and Good Day Sacramento, who put together a wonderful story, as well. You can find it online at Good Day Sacramento's site.
We'll certainly have more great clips to share before the week is through, we're sure!
Update: We've got 3 more clips to share this morning (Wednesday)! from The Florida Times-Union posted a nice video on their website.
From Farmington, N.M. the local newspaper The Daily Times posted a wonderful article, as well.
The Sikeston Standard Democrat from Sikeston, Mo. wrote a nice piece in their newspaper, as well. You can see the picture and a short excerpt, but only subscribers to The Sikeston Standard-Democrat can see the full story, unfortunately.
We are on Facebook!
Wildflower Garden Experiment Update
My wildflowers are in full bloom. This is a macro photo of one of the pretty blooms.
This is the box of seed, and the flower's baby photos. :-) The box was $6 and yielded an entire wildfower bed beside my driveway, and around my rose garden.
British Grown Chrysanthemum?s
Read the complete story here.
First bloom of youth: Once considered the ‘granny’ of the flower world, breeders are now creating new, sexier varieties of the chrysanthemum.
Farewell to Winter and Jack Frost
Calling All Brides!
Does your wedding video play like a blooper reel?
Do you wish you could do it all over again and have the wedding you originally dreamed of?
Our friends at WEtv are casting for a wedding do over show. If you have the ultimate [...]
Friday, 22 April 2011
Parents Day is almost here!
Did you know that the US, in addition to Mother's Day and Father's Day, also celebrates Parents Day? Each year on the 4th Sunday in July, this fairly young holiday (it was signed into law in 1994 by President Clinton) highlights the idea of parenting and the importance of parents, rather than just celebrating the contributions of a particular parent as Mother's Day or Father's Day do.
This year, Parents' Day falls on Sunday, July 25th - that's just 3 days away!
Parents Day is championed by the Parents' Day Council in the US. The Parents' Day Council identifies numerous "Parents of the Year" in various cities and states, and even chooses a family to highlight for being "Parents of the Year" on a national level. For Parents Day 2010, it doesn't look like the Parents' Day Council has yet named their "Parents of the Year", but you may want to check their website for profiles on those who've won the honor in prior years.
An obvious question (at least to me!) is how a family might choose to celebrate Parents' Day, since at Mother's Day or Father's Day the 'other' parent usually helps make preparations.
Here are a few ideas for kids (young or old) looking to celebrate Parents Day in 2010...
- Breakfast is popular, but why not think outside the house and plan a picnic instead? Make use of the beautiful summer weather and ask your family to head out for a nice day out of doors, and offer to do the hard work of preparing the dishes, utensils, blanket and snacks for your picnic lunch!
- Make a homemade card with a nice Parents Day poem or a picture you've drawn yourself!
- Older kids can do more involved crafts, such as making a photo album or photo slideshow on the computer to remember favorite times as a family. Get everyone together and watch them to remember the reason for Parents Day.
What ideas do you have for celebrating Parents Day?
Mother?s Day Flowers from Local Florists
Townend Florist in Sheffield
Thursday, 21 April 2011
A Calendar for Growing Flowers in Coastal Southern California
My friend, and gardening mentor Florence Sullivan, passed away recently at the age of 95 1/2. I had previously asked her daughter's permission to share her gardening tips. She wrote a booklet, with the above title, so any tips I share on this blog, with this title are from "Florence Sullivan," with the kind permission of her daughter Holly.
Since it's already February, I'll do this slightly out of order and start with February.
This booklet contains flower gardening information for a specific area. This area includes Santa Barbara to the Mexican border and from the Pacific, inland to the hotter areas.
To make the best use of this information, may I suggest that you get a thin felt pen with green ink, go to your calendar and turn to the current month. Jot down chores which apply to your garden. Then continue thru the year. Green ink will suggest gardens. Thereafter when you fertilize or spray, make a note on your calendar, in green, to remind you when to do it next. Then you will be organized, and your garden will flourish.
Happy Gardening
Florence Sulivan
Mrs. Sullivan has taught Basic & Container Gardening at the South Coast Botanic Garden and lectured to Garden Clubs. She has gardened in this are for 25 years. (Copyright 1986 - Florence Sullivan)

September 1, 1913 to February 9, 2009
Google Might Actually Be Calling Your Business
Mothers Day April 3rd 2011
Farewell to Winter and Jack Frost
Rainbow rose and its knockoff
?Plants that wake when others sleep. Timid jasmine buds that keep their fragrance to themselves all day, but when the sunlight dies away let the delicious secret out to every breeze that roams about.?

?Plants that wake when others sleep. Timid jasmine buds that keep their fragrance to themselves all day, but when the sunlight dies away let the delicious secret out to every breeze that roams about.?, originally uploaded by Abby Lanes (on Spring Break!).
~Thomas Moore
The jasmine is blooming in my neighborhood. It's delightful.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Fall - In love with flowers!
Today is the first day of Fall! Or the first day of autumn if you prefer. Though it may not be something you think of right away, fall is actually a great season for many beautiful flowers! Fall brings several holiday, like Halloween and Thanksgiving, which can be celebrated with lovely blooms. Additionally, many beautiful flowers are seasonal to fall.
Fall flowers are usually found in 'fall colors' like yellow, orange, red and brown - mimicking all of the beautiful colors that people seek out on fall color tours in wooded areas.
Here's a top list of several flowers available in fall:
- Asters
- Sunflowers - the sunflower sticks around from summer into fall and makes a great addition to a tablescape as part of a floral centerpiece
- Celosia
- Dahlia - I was in Seattle the other week and dahlia season was definitely on at the flower stalls in the Pike Place Market! There are a wide variety of dahlias in many different shapes and colors to brighten up your fall decor. Check out this gallery of dahlias on to see the wide number of varities!
- Marigold - While it seems marigolds aren't used as often in floral arrangements anymore, they are a lovely autumn flower and can add a nice yellow/gold color to an arrangement if you want to ask your florist to include them in an arrangement you're sending to friends or family.
- Goldenrod
- Mums (or chrysanthemums)
- Daisies
- Alstroemeria (also known as Peruvian Lily)
- Lilies
What's your favorite fall flower? Let us know in the comments section!
(*Image credits: Homepage image courtesy hello-julie via Flickr)